Platform Cache in Salesforce

Platform Cache in Salesforce is a powerful feature designed to improve the performance of your Salesforce applications. It allows you to store and retrieve data that’s used frequently across your org, reducing the number of queries to the database and speeding up data access. Here’s a detailed tutorial on how to use Platform Cache in Salesforce:

Understanding Platform Cache

  1. What is Platform Cache?
    • A memory layer that stores Salesforce session and org data for later access.
    • It’s like a short-term memory for your org, enabling faster data retrieval.
  2. Types of Cache
    • Session Cache: Stores data for an individual user session. Data is accessible only to the user in that session.
    • Org Cache: Stores data shared across all users in the org.

Setting Up Platform Cache

  1. Accessing Platform Cache
    • Go to Setup in Salesforce.
    • Type “Platform Cache” in the Quick Find box.
    • Select “Platform Cache.”
  2. Creating Cache Partitions
    • Click “New” to create a new cache partition.
    • Define a name and description.
    • Allocate space for Session and Org cache as needed.
  3. Cache Partition Permissions
    • Assign permissions to control who can access and modify cache data.

Using Platform Cache in Apex

  1. Storing Data in Cache
    • Use Cache.Org.put or Cache.Session.put methods to store data.
    • Example: Cache.Org.put('local.PartitionName.KeyName', dataToCache);
  2. Retrieving Data from Cache
    • Use Cache.Org.get or Cache.Session.get methods.
    • Example: Object data = Cache.Org.get('local.PartitionName.KeyName');
  3. Checking for Data Existence
    • Use Cache.Org.contains or Cache.Session.contains.
    • Helps in verifying if a key exists in cache before attempting to retrieve data.
  4. Removing Data from Cache
    • Use Cache.Org.remove or Cache.Session.remove.
    • Clears specific data from cache.

Best Practices

  1. Cache Only Necessary Data
    • Store data that’s expensive to compute or frequently accessed.
    • Avoid caching large or infrequently used data.
  2. Monitor Cache Usage
    • Regularly check your cache usage and adjust sizes as needed.
    • Use Salesforce reports and dashboards for monitoring.
  3. Handle Cache Misses Gracefully
    • Always have a fallback mechanism in case the cache does not contain the requested data.
  4. Security Considerations
    • Be mindful of sensitive data stored in cache, especially in org cache.
    • Implement appropriate access controls.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Cache Misses
    • Ensure keys are correctly spelled and used consistently.
    • Check partition sizes and increase them if necessary.
  2. Performance Issues
    • Analyze whether the cache is being overused or underused.
    • Adjust the stored data type and size based on performance metrics.
  3. Data Integrity
    • Implement logic to refresh cache periodically to maintain data integrity.


Platform Cache is a valuable tool for optimizing the performance of Salesforce applications. By caching frequently accessed data, you can significantly reduce load times and enhance the user experience. Remember to use cache judiciously, monitor its usage, and adhere to best practices for data security and management.

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