Understanding Org Shape in Salesforce

Introduction to Org Shape in Salesforce

Understanding Salesforce DX

Salesforce DX (Developer Experience) is a set of tools and practices designed to improve the development process on the Salesforce platform. It focuses on source-driven development, team collaboration, and agile methodologies.

What is Org Shape?

Org Shape in Salesforce refers to the ability to create scratch orgs that mimic the metadata and settings of your production or sandbox environments. A scratch org is a disposable deployment environment, ideal for developing and testing applications without affecting the main Salesforce org.

Why Org Shape Matters

  • Replication of Production Environment: It allows developers to work in an environment closely resembling the production org, reducing the risk of deployment issues.
  • Streamlined Development Process: By mirroring the production settings, developers can identify and resolve compatibility and configuration issues early in the development cycle.
  • Enhanced Testing Accuracy: Testing in an environment that closely matches production ensures higher accuracy and reliability of test results.

Setting Up Org Shape


  • Salesforce DX command-line interface (CLI) installed.
  • Access to a Dev Hub org with Org Shape enabled.

Creating an Org Shape

  1. Retrieve Source Org Configuration: Use the Salesforce CLI to retrieve the source org’s configuration.
    sfdx force:source:retrieve -m Settings


  2. Define Org Shape in project-scratch-def.json: Customize the scratch org definition file to reflect the source org’s configuration.

    Deploying Org Shape

    1. Create a Scratch Org: Use the CLI to create a scratch org based on the defined org shape.
      sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a MyScratchOrg


    2. Push Source Code: Deploy your source code to the scratch org.
      sfdx force:source:push


Examples of Org Shape in Action

Example 1: Custom Object and Field Settings

  • Scenario: You have a custom object Invoice__c in your production org with specific field-level security settings.
  • Org Shape Setup: Include these settings in your project-scratch-def.json file.
  • Development: Create a scratch org with these settings to ensure any new development around Invoice__c is compatible.

Example 2: Workflow Rules and Process Builder

  • Scenario: Your production org has complex workflow rules and Process Builder flows.
  • Org Shape Setup: Your org shape mimics these workflows and flows.
  • Testing: Develop and test new triggers or Apex classes to ensure they don’t conflict with existing workflows.

Best Practices

  • Regularly update the org shape to reflect changes in the production environment.
  • Utilize version control to track changes in org shape configurations.
  • Test extensively in the scratch org before deploying to production.


Org Shape in Salesforce DX offers a powerful way to streamline development and testing by providing an environment that closely mirrors your production setup. By understanding and utilizing this feature, developers can significantly enhance their workflow, reduce deployment risks, and ensure higher quality applications.

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