Testing Salesforce: Integration Tests versus Unit Tests

Salesforce Testing

In the realm of Salesforce development, particularly when working with Apex, understanding and effectively applying testing methodologies are critical for ensuring the reliability, performance, and scalability of applications. Within this scope, distinguishing between true unit tests and integration tests, along with their respective impacts concerning Salesforce’s governor limits, is crucial for developers. True Unit Tests … Read more

Using Named Credentials to make Salesforce Apex more secure

Named Credentials

Named Credentials in Salesforce serve as a secure method of managing authentication data for external services. They encapsulate the endpoint URL and the required authentication credentials (username, password, OAuth, etc.), providing a simplified and secure way to call out to external APIs from Salesforce. When developing on the Salesforce platform, security is a paramount concern, … Read more

Setting Up VS Code for Salesforce Development

VS Code for Salesforce Development

Creating a comprehensive guide for setting up Visual Studio Code (VS Code) for Salesforce development involves several steps, from basic installation to configuring extensions and setting up the environment. Here’s a detailed article to walk you through the process: Setting Up VS Code for Salesforce Development Introduction Visual Studio Code (VS Code) is a popular, … Read more

Row Lock Prevention in Salesforce Apex

Row Locks in Salesforce Apex

Preventing row locks in Salesforce Apex, especially during batch processing, is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and reliability of your applications. Here are some strategies and best practices to consider: Use the ‘FOR UPDATE’ SOQL Query: When you execute a SOQL query with the ‘FOR UPDATE’ keyword, Salesforce locks the records that are returned by … Read more