Git and Salesforce: A Getting Started Guide for Development

Integrating Git with Salesforce is a powerful way to manage and version control your Salesforce development projects. Git allows teams to track changes, collaborate efficiently, and maintain a history of project evolution. This guide is designed for those new to version control, walking you through the process of setting up and using Git with Salesforce for a smooth, efficient, and error-free development process.

Step 1: Understand Git Basics

Before integrating Git with Salesforce, familiarize yourself with basic Git concepts such as repositories (repos), branches, commits, and pull requests (PRs). There are many free resources and tutorials available online to get you started.

Step 2: Set Up Git

  1. Install Git: Download and install Git from During installation, accept the default settings, which are suitable for most users.
  2. Configure Git: Open your terminal (Command Prompt or Git Bash on Windows; Terminal on macOS and Linux) and set up your user name and email address with the following commands, replacing Your Name and with your details. This information will be attached to your commits.
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""

Step 3: Choose a Git Hosting Service

Select a Git hosting service to store your Salesforce project remotely. Popular options include GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Create an account on your chosen service.

Step 4: Initialize Your Salesforce Project

  1. Create a Salesforce Project: Use Salesforce DX (SFDX) to create a new project or navigate to your existing Salesforce project directory in the terminal.
  2. Initialize a Git Repository: In your project directory, run the following command to initialize a new Git repository:
    git init


  3. Connect to Your Git Hosting Service: Create a new repository on your Git hosting service (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) and follow the instructions to connect your local repository to the remote repository. It usually involves adding a remote origin and pushing your initial commit.

Step 5: Add Salesforce Project to the Repository

  1. Add Project Files: Add your Salesforce project files to the Git repository by running:
    git add .


  2. Commit Changes: Commit your added files to your local repository with:
    git commit -m "Initial commit"


  3. Push to Remote Repository: Push your commit to the remote repository with:
    git push -u origin master

    Note: The default branch name “master” has been changed to “main” in many services. Use the branch name as per your Git hosting service’s convention.

Step 6: Collaborate and Version Control

  1. Branching: For new features or bug fixes, create branches to keep changes isolated from the main codebase until they’re ready to merge. Use:
    git branch feature-name
    git checkout feature-name


  2. Committing Changes: Regularly commit your changes with descriptive messages, and push them to the corresponding branch in your remote repository.
  3. Pull Requests and Merging: Once a feature or fix is complete, open a pull request (PR) in your Git hosting service. After review, merge it into the main branch.

Step 7: Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

Consider implementing CI/CD pipelines using tools like Jenkins, GitHub Actions, or GitLab CI/CD. These automate tests and deployments of your Salesforce applications, enhancing development efficiency and reducing errors.

Step 8: Best Practices

  • Commit Often: Regular, small commits make it easier to track changes and resolve conflicts.
  • Use .gitignore: Create a .gitignore file in your project root to exclude files that shouldn’t be version-controlled (e.g., local configuration files, build folders).
  • Review Changes: Utilize pull requests to review code changes. This fosters code quality and team collaboration.


Integrating Git with Salesforce empowers teams to manage their development process more effectively, ensuring code is versioned, collaborative, and secure. While there’s a learning curve, especially for those new to version control, the long-term benefits in efficiency, collaboration, and error reduction are substantial. Remember, practice and continuous learning are key to mastering Git in your Salesforce development workflow.

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